Sunday, 12 August 2018

Happy to get a little blue

Little Blue Heron that is.

After unsuccessfully looking for the Wildwood reservoir bird last night, I returned tonight and within minutes was staring at a suspicious white bird off in the distance.  As it slowly moved closer there was little doubt what I was seeing.  Eventually it came up incredibly close and I had some gorgeous views through the scope.

It joined up with a Great Egret at one point, providing a great size comparison.
Several other birders stopped in and enjoyed the heron as well.  I enjoy opportunities like this to visit with like-minded nature enthusiasts.

Also of note, were numerous species of shorebirds.

And loads of Great Blue Herons.  Standing in one spot, I counted 25 individuals.
A great local bird and a new species for me.


  1. Well done!
    I think I have only seen one Little Blue-a bird I found just outside Rondeau Park once.

    1. Thanks! Definitely an exciting visitor to Ontario.

  2. Jonathan, that's incredible you saw 25 Great Blue Herons! Glad you got the Little Blue - nice bird!

    1. Thanks Susan. That was the most Great Blues that I've ever seen at one given time.

  3. I love this spot! Especially at the end of summer. You never know what you’ll see! Thank you for mentioning the Little Heron. I just got back! It was wonderful to watch and a lifer for me too!

    1. Good to hear from you Leslie! Glad that the heron showed itself for you. It was a long time since I had been to this location, but I definitely hope to check it out more often from here on.
