Monday, 31 August 2015

Mitchell Meanderings

Summer always seems to be a busy time for me and as a result my blog posts are few and far between.  However I manged to make time to slip out to the West Perth Wetlands and I wanted to post some of the pictures of my afternoon.  The water level in many of the cells has really dropped and as a result, there were plenty of shorebirds available.  Among some of the most common were killdeer.
I also managed to pick out several semipalmated plovers.

Lesser yellowlegs were also very plentiful along with a mix of other shorebirds not unusual for this time of year.

Most of the waterfowl is still in non-breeding eclipse plumage including most of the mallards and blue winged teal.

Blue-winged teal

I managed to pick out three american wigeon starting to show some signs of breeding colour.

Wigeon trio

Lots of monarchs were present, a sign that migration is beginning for them.

The only other butterfly of note was a black swallowtail.  I haven't seen a lot this year so it was great to spot.

Not long after I got home, I recieved a rarity email from eBird stating that wilson's phalarope and clay coloured sparrow had been seen at the lagoons that morning.  I didn't see either one, but it was a great day nonetheless.

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